"Aspire not to have more, but to be more"

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Day 4: Billings, MT to Seattle, WA

I did it!!! I made it to Seattle! It's kind of funny because I feel like I didn't really drive that far (even though it took me four straight days of driving)... it honestly felt more like I was driving my car on a treadmill for four straight days (haha!).

I left my hotel yesterday morning in Billings, MT (the area smells really bad, just in case you were wondering), and went to the Cracker Barrel right down the street where I had the best blueberry pancakes that I've had in FOREVER and they even put peaches on top- it was the next best thing to heaven! I then hit the road...

The drive wasn't too boring yesterday-- I must say though, the drive between Missoula, MT and Coeur D'Alene was pretty hair raising. Just imagine driving through the mountains (so beautiful) but it had just snowed about two feet the night before so where there wasn't snow, there was melted snow that was actually ice. You want to slow down but you can't because there is a car on your tail and you can't switch lanes because then you'll be driving in ice/snow-- ahh!

I wound up stopping in Coeur D'Alene for a late lunch (it was BEAUTIFUL) and then got gas for $2.77! Onward to Seattle ! It was crazy because it's so humid that the water droplets froze midair so it looked like there was snow on all of the trees, but it was just frozen water . It was also super foggy for the majority of the last leg of my drive, but I arrived in one piece and can't wait to get my life started out here!

As soon as I arrive (7pm), one of the guys I'm staying with had a work party to go to and they just invited me as I walked through the door, so I put on my sparkly shoes and headed out the door. Turns out one of the guys works for Amazon and the other works for Microsoft... And we were going to the Amazon post-holiday party at the Seahawks stadium.

Wowee! That's all there is to say. There was SO much food, so many drinks, Vampire Weekend took the stage at 10pm, and the place was PACKED! Of course, I ran into someone I knew who graduated from Maryland this past May. What a small world!

We came back, and I fell asleep within 20 minutes of walking in. I can barely lift my arms today because I think all of the driving has finally caught up with me. Thank goodness I'm on this big, comfy cozy couch for a while. Go Seahawks!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:E Denny Way,Seattle,United States

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