"Aspire not to have more, but to be more"

Saturday, February 11, 2012

George Washington Memorial Run: Marathon Relay

Two of my best friends and I have been running together since high school and decided we should all run together in a race...which wound up being the GW Memorial Run in Greenbelt, MD. Apparently it has been put on for 50 some-odd years by the Washington Road Runners. I ran the first leg of the run, which was the longest leg(~9.3 miles) , and really enjoyed it. This was one of my first low-key races, and I really enjoyed it! I'm not sure what my time was exactly, but our team name was "Da Gazelles". I had a great time and really think the race was put on well - they had a great meal at the end of it! No complaints :)

Overall rating? A
Main complaints? It was a smaller race, but that isn't really a complaint
Favorite parts? Running through a hidden gem of Prince George's County - the Beltsville Agricultural area!
Communication before the race? A
Expo? Wasn't one. Nice that we had race day packet pickup
Premium? A. Black Brooks tech gender-specific tee
Water Stops/Aid Stations? A .Plenty of water!
Finisher's Medal? None
Finisher's Festival? They had a hot meal for us in the Greenbelt Community Center - loved it!
Would I run this race again/recommend it to anyone? YES 



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