"Aspire not to have more, but to be more"

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013 Maryland Half Marathon

This year was the first year that I ran consistently throughout the winter months. Maybe it was because I graduated from college back in December and needed an outlet for all of my stress... or maybe it's because I started working at a running store? Who knows! But. I must say, I'm not sure it was the best decision because I wound up getting a bad case of plantar faciitis and was confined to pool running (literally running in the deep end of the pool) for almost 2 months. It sucked! I was able to keep my fitness up so when I was able to go back and hit the pavement again it really wasn't that bad.

When I was looking for a half marathon to run in May, I was debating between doing the Maryland Half or the St. Michael's Half. Hills vs flat. Who would choose hills? I guess I did haha. I've run the Baltimore Half three times before and people told me that if I could handle the hills in Baltimore, I could handle the hills in the Maryland Half -- LIES. The Maryland Half was by far the hilliest half that I have run in my entire life. I actually cried on one of the uphills. I also learned to not eat my typical Saturday morning bagel with cream cheese and iced coffee with skim milk from Dunkin Donuts -- that came back to haunt me at about mile 5.

At about mile 10, we returned to the Maple Lawn community and I have no idea why I thought we were done the race... we definitely weren't. It started to downpour at mile 11 and then we finally made it to the finish. There was free beer at Looney's afterwards for all of the finishers, but I don't think anyone really knew about it because there were only 10 of us from the race there.
Finish time:  02:09:03.5

Although the money for the race did go to a good cause, I don't think I would ever do the Maryland Half again. Too hilly! (I'm not usually the one to complain about hills, either!) Also, the race was longer than it was supposed to be - was 13.35.

Overall rating? B
Main complaints? Super super super hilly. 
Favorite parts? The premium and free beer at my favorite local bar (Looney's) afterwards! Dunkin Donuts was even there with free donuts
Communication before the race? A
Expo? Packet Pickup in your local Charm City Run store
Premium? A. Under Armour gender-specific tee
Water Stops/Aid Stations? A .
Finisher's Medal? N/A
Finisher's Festival? A. Free beer and donuts and the usual bananas etc
Would I run this race again/recommend it to anyone? Eh.. it was okay...

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