"Aspire not to have more, but to be more"

Saturday, April 20, 2013

2013 Sole of the City 10K

My good friend Katie & I at the start of the race
In the wake of the bombing of the Boston Marathon, many of us runners were wondering what we could do to help those directly affected. Some of us prayed, others of us donated money, and some of us even just laced up our good ole running shoes and went for a run.

The Sole of the City 10K was about two weeks after the bombings up in Boston, so obviously security was a little tighter. It was pretty much the same course as years past, and I did set a personal record for a 10K in this race. Woohoo! Of course I enjoyed the free beer afterwards! The sandwiches weren't as good as they were last year, but I love the premium - so comfy and can be worn everywhere!

Finished:  884/2770 Time: 56:26.3

Overall rating? A
Main complaints? None
Favorite parts? The premium!
Communication before the race? A
Expo? Packet pickup at your local Charm City Run Store
Premium? A. Under Armour long-sleeved embroidered full zip yoga jacket - super comfy!
Water Stops/Aid Stations? A . Definitely frequent enough and well stocked! Wish they had used paper cups instead of plastic cups
Finisher's Medal? N/A
Finisher's Festival? B. The beer was great, but we had weird wraps .. not boxed lunches like last year :(
Would I run this race again/recommend it to anyone? YES Defeinitely.



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