"Aspire not to have more, but to be more"

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 28, 31, 32 : Long run, Dreaded Druid Hills 10K, BWC 5K

I apologize for those of you following this blog...I'm sorry I haven't been updating it every day.

On Wednesday (Day 28th) I got up early and went for an 8 mile run (to Green Clover Drive). I was running through Waverly Woods and all of a sudden it started to rain! I decided to truck through--running in the rain was actually very refreshing (it brought back memories of my cross country days). It was nice to come back and still have my whole day ahead of me.

Thursday I was going to run, but I had a paper for my GVPT100 class I had to finish. I went to lunch at Bare Bones with Fr. Mike, Mr. Lew, Kate, and Martin. Martin is awesome--he helped me develop a marathon training program! I start tomorrow!

Jenna and I after the Dreaded Druid Hills 10K
On Saturday (yesterday) I ran the Dreaded Druid Hills at 7:30am in Druid Hill Park. The run wasn't that bad---the hills weren't much worse than anything in Patapsco State Park (what we ran in high school). I ran with my friend Jenna, from High LI. I beat my 10k time from Memorial Day weekend (I finished in 59:37!) and did not walk one step. Ms. Tracey (now Mrs. Ostendorf) and Webs (my xc coach from high school) ran, too! As I ran to the finish I saw Webs cheering for me--just like the old days!! The fruit at the end of the race was SO refreshing. After we got some pictures, Jenna and I went to 7-11 and got slurpies and then went to Sam's Bagels in Catonsville and got breakfast/caught up. You can see me run in the Dreaded Druid Hills 10K at 11:21 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0AT0J9Ef2s&feature=player_embedded) .

Laura, myself, Aunt Linda, Sarah, Aunt Donna, and Jen after the BWC
Today I did the Baltimore Women's Classic at 8am. Unlike yesterday where there were only 500 runners, today there were 3000+, and all were women! Today was also a 5K, so I was able to get a really good time (6 seconds from beating my PR: 25:21) and wasn't even tired when I finished. Best part of the race--right after I started I reflected on how far we as women have come, and running in the 5K felt so liberating! The course was very similar to the MCVET 10k from Memorial Day weekend, except we didn't go to Ft. McHenry. Jenna ran this race again with me. Aunt Donna, Aunt Linda, Jen, Laura, and Sarah all ran in the race, as well! The race was such a positive atmosphere, and Lynne Brick from Brick Bodies led the warm up...even then though we didn't do it....ANYWAYS! I was so happy with my time when I finished and also I was sooo happy because I beat a girl from my rival high school, Seton Keough!

After the race, I went to 7-11 with Jenna and went to Dunkin Donuts for a blueberry muffin! Nom nom. Then it was time for church--Fr. Mike's last mass at Resurrection! 

Overall--great weekend for running

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 18, 21, 23: OBX

Running on the beach has always fascinated me--so much that I've never actually done it.......getting sand and ocean water in my new running shoes doesn't really appeal to me and running barefoot on hard sand? Completely out of the question!! Don't get me wrong, I HAVE tried to run on the sand, but I can never quite find  enough hard sand to run on so I always wind up in that soft sand that you can barely walk in......

When I got here (Buxton, NC), I told myself I was going to run and exercise every day of the week, and here I am, Friday night, and I must say I've done pretty good---I've run 3 times and ridden my bike 2 or 3 days out of the 7 days I've been here, so woooooohooo. On Sunday, I ran the loop I ran last summer just around the neighborhood and I thought it was close to 3 miles when I ran it last summer, but it turns out it was only about 2. It was SOO humid, too! Then Wednesday I ran past the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, down to where the beach access ramps are for cars/trucks are and back and that was close to a 6 mile run. I was really sluggish--having a cold definitely does not help you speed up your pace. Then today I ran down Buxton Back Road and along Hwy 12 -- about a 4 mile run. It was very humid today as well, but I got lucky! I missed the rain by just a few minutes. When I got back to the house, I put on my bathing suit and dodged the raindrops as I made a quick sprint for the ocean to cool off--best reward!

Bad news--this afternoon I was laying on the beach and I discovered that my headphones aren't working too well anymore so I'll have to get a new pair--man oh man, at this rate, I'll have to buy stock in headphones! I wish someone would invent ones that don't get damaged from running/sleeping/constant motion.

One week until Dreaded Druid Hills and the Baltimore Women's Classic!!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 15: Central Park

On Wednesday night, after an exhausting day spent frolicking through the streets of NYC, I hit the hay at about 2am. I told myself on the train ride up to NYC that I HAD to run in Central Park because I didn't know when the next time I'd be running there would be. I got up at 7am and laced up my running shoes and away I went. I ran about 5 miles around the park and it was a phenomenal run--despite it being a record-breaking hot day in NYC. I'm glad I got up early to run, and it was refreshing to see so many people running, biking, and doing other forms of exercise as well....it makes me want to live there! I walked a ton yesterday, and it was a travel day, so I didn't run...and today was another travel day, so I didn't run......

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Days 5, 7, 9, and 13

WOW! Sorry I haven't really been that great at keeping up with this whole blog thing....no excuse!! Actually... I haven't been running much so you haven't been missing anything. I'll fill you in on what I have done so far. For some reason I can't upload pictures, so I'll have to do that later.

On what I estimate to be Day 5, I did the MCVET 10K with Katie Souza (on the day before Memorial Day) in Baltimore. The temperature was probably about 100 degrees and I thought I was going to birth a child only into mile 1. I finished in 1:02. I was hoping to finished in under 1:05. Next goal is to be closer to 55 minutes!

Day 7, which was a Tuesday, I headed to Charm City Run in Clarksville to get new running shoes. Of course, they didn't have my size, so I had to wait until Day 9 to get them. I got a pair of Brooks Adrenaline to replace my old Pumas from the fall, and boy oh boy, is it nice to wear shoes that fit ! I was surprised to hear that I am size 11 when I've been wearing 9.5 or size 10 for the longest time. I was planning on going for a run the day I got them, Thursday, but I was called into work...and this weekend was so crazy I didn't have time to run until yesterday, or Tuesday. I went for a short run (4.5 miles)  through Waverly Woods and I felt like I was running on a cloud !! Those shoes are SO nice! I can't wait to run a decent distance in them.

Right now I'm on a train on my way to NYC--I was supposed to take the megabus, but I missed it, so I hopped on an Acela Train and I'm on my way to the Raise the Bar Rally in NYC. I hope to go for a run in Central Park tomorrow if I have time.

In other news, I am doing the Dreaded Druid Hills 10K and Baltimore Women's Classic 5K in a few weeks!
Happy Running!



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